

A hole in the wall of a rented room in Amsterdam is the starting point of this English-language 'sex and suspense mystery', as Pim de la Parra defines his first feature film, inspired by Hitchcock and a variation on the Rear Window theme.

Het compromis

A young couple, a journalist and a model, realize on coming into contact with The Living Theatre that their marriage, though seemingly successful, has in fact run aground and is only held together by compromise.

Geen paniek

A nonsensical comedy with star comedians Johnny Kraaykamp and Rijk de Gooyer in the lead. After many years of success on Dutch television, Geen paniek marked the film debut for the well-loved duo.

When Johnny comes out of prison after serving a five-year sentence, he finds his friend Rijk waiting for him. The latter is anxious to make use of Johnny's talent for finding simple solutions to knotty problems. Together they go into business as 'handymen' who undertake the oddest kinds of jobs.

De inbreker

Thief finds himself serving the cause of justice when he is confronted with the carefully planned caper of businessman Borsen to do away with stripper Fanny.


The first Dutch full length colour feature film is an adaptation of the German film Acht Mädels im Boot (Eight girls in a boat). It marked Willy van Hemert’s debut as a film director.
