children's film

Hoe het kwam

Under the evil influence of the penny dreadfuls they have been reading, two boys, Tom Frank and Frits Heringa, plan a burglary. Thanks to the intervention of the local boy scout group "The Black Arrow", Frits repents and, after a heart-to-heart talk with the scout-master, is allowed to join "The Black Arrow" club. Tom, however, sinks deeper and deeper and ends up in a reformatory.

De belooning van Hi

Jan Kespers wants to become a boy scout, but his parents will not allow him to join the local group known as The Black Arrow. One day, Hi, a charming young East-Indian member of the club, has his outpost in a tree from where he can observe what is going on. He notices a suspicious person who is creeping after two ladies who are walking in the dunes. Hi sees how this man suddenly jumps up, grabs hold of the vanity-bag of one of the ladies and runs away with it.

De wraak van 'De zwarte pijl'

Lex de Vries, a member of the scout club "The Black Arrow", is often teased by his older sister To. When she starts to insult his club, Lex leaves the house in anger and joins his friends in the club-house. The scouts decide that they will be revenged on To. They know that To is to meet her boyfriend, John Verhoeve, on a certain evening and they plan to make a film of the meeting. Some time later Mrs de Vries invites the members of "The Black Arrow" to show some of their films at a party she intends to give for family and friends. The invitation is gleefully accepted.

Wie had gelijk

Jeugdfilm over jonge padvinder.

Een jonge padvinder krijgt ruzie met een jongen als de laatste een kat in het water wil gooien. De jonge padvinder krijgt een pak slaag, en wordt gepest en uitgelachen door de andere aanwezige jongens. Als de jonge padvinder zijn zwemdiploma heeft behaald en de vervelende jongen uit het kanaal moet redden, sluiten zij vrede.

Het waterrad des doods

Like Laan's earlier De zoon van Nick Carter en de moordenaar this was another parody of the penny dreadful detective yarns once so popular with youthful readers. In this one, Nick Carter's son and his cousin are on the trail of a gang of counterfeit coiners who have their hide-out in a water-mill. The crooks catch Carter's son and plan to torture him to death. The lad is tied up and put in a bag that is suspended in the water-wheel. Shortly thereafter, the cousin is also captured by the villains, who tie him to a tree with a rope.

Pim, de schrik van de familie

Pim, a practical joker, is always in trouble at home. When his mother sends him out of the house because he is teasing his little sister, Pim meets two of his friends. They decide to make good use of the afternoon: pulling a purse on a string, spraying someone with a hose, ringing the doorbell at the house of old Dries and escaping by jumping onto the bumper of a taxi. Back at home, Pim gets up to his monkey tricks in the dining-room and is sent to bed because he put a drawing-pin on his sister's chair.

Jan Feith en zijn nieuwste jongensboek

The novelist and journalist Jan Feith, who has written an article in an Amsterdam newspaper praising Dick Laan's films about the activities of the members of the Bloemendaal scouting group "The Black Arrow", is looking for something or someone to write about in his next book. At the same time, the boys of "The Black Arow" are looking for a well-known personality whom they would like to have as an honorary member of their club.
