Dutch film history

This database contains information about film in the Netherlands, and is gradually being expanded. At this moment, you can find information about early films (from ca. 1900-1930) and about experimental films.

Note: Many records provide information about a film, but do not show the film itself (due to copyright restrictions, or because the film has been lost over the course of time). Click here to see a list of films that can actually be viewed.


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201 - 210 of 8724 results
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    Theater Panopticum

    Theatre and wax figure museum located on Amstelstraat 14-18 in Amsterdam.

    In 1912, a small theatre hall was built on the ground floor, where screenings were held until 1914. In 1915, this theater was renamed the Centraal Theater.


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    Lokaal Bellevue

    Location in Amsterdam where film screenings and other activities were organised in the first years of the 20th century.

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    Munt Film Cie

    In 1919, the film farce Bijna een dubbele moord in Lutjebroek was shot in Bussum. One of the initiators behind this film was Elias de Hoop, the general manager of the Bussum cinema ...

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    Alkmaarsch Bioscoop Theater

    Cinema on the Langestraat 92 in Alkmaar.

    The cinemas Rex and Roxy were located at the same address.

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    FTL - Filmtechnische Leergang

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    City Film

    Hague-based film distribution company, founded by B. Wilton. The company was closely linked to Europa Film and the Maatschappij tot Exploitatie van het City Theater in The Hague.

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    Buiten Sociëteit

    Film screenings were organised by travelling cinema operators at the Buiten Sociëteit in Deventer during the early years of cinema.

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    Bonthandelaarsfirma Weill

    Haarlem fur business.

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    In 1924, filmmaker J.C. Mol founded, in Bloemendaal, the Bureau voor Wetenschappelijke (Fotografie en) Kinematografie, a production company for scientific films. The company specialized in...
