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V.d. Veer/Kleinman Film
Film company of the actor Willem van der Veer and producer/director Henk Kleinman.
In 1926, V.d. Veer/...
Omnia Films
This production company in Berlin was the co-producer of Henk Kleinman’s film Droomkoninkje.
Bioscope Tivoli-Wintertuin
Theatre on the Coolsingel 26 in Rotterdam, under the leadership of Mssrs. Goeman and Bongers.
From 1903 onwards, film screenings were held here, at first only in the winter months. The name was later changed to Cinema Pathé.
Tivoli-Bioscoop Hoogstraat
Cinema on the Hoogstraat 160 in Rotterdam. The general managers were Goeman and Bongers.
After 1924, the cinema Asta was located in this building.
Eerste Venlosche Kinematograph
Cinema on the Vleesstraat 46 in Venlo, located in the hotel De Port van Cleve. The owner of the hotel and the cinema was Joep Caubo.
Later, the Elite Cinema and City...
Loet C. Barnstijn's Filmproductie
This Hague-based film rental agency was established in 1925 by Loet Cohen Barnstijn. The agency also produced several films in the 1930s.
Fayencefabriek De Distel
Amsterdam delftware manufacturer.
Nederlandsche Oliefabrieken Calvé
This Delft foodstuffs plant was called the Nederlandsche Oliefabriek until its merger with the French Calvé in 1897.
Calvé is now part of Unilever.
ANBD - Algemeen Nederlandsch Diamantbewerkersbond
Dutch union for diamond cutters. Its headquarters are in Amsterdam.