Dutch film history

This database contains information about film in the Netherlands, and is gradually being expanded. At this moment, you can find information about early films (from ca. 1900-1930) and about experimental films.

Note: Many records provide information about a film, but do not show the film itself (due to copyright restrictions, or because the film has been lost over the course of time). Click here to see a list of films that can actually be viewed.


Search results

261 - 270 of 8724 results
  • company

    Cinema Royal (Rotterdam)

    Cinema on the Coolsingel 17 in Rotterdam.

    From 1913 to 1914, its general manager was Jean Desmet. He was followed by...

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    Berlin-based film studio.

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    Maatschappij voor Artistieke Cinematografie

    The Maatschappij voor Wetenschappelijke Cinematografie and the Maatschappij voor Artistieke Cinematografie were founded by...

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    Sociëteit Vereeniging

    Haarlem cinema. Starting in 1917, Alex Benno was its general manager.

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    Edison's Ideaal

    Travelling cinema of Christiaan Slieker, the first Dutchman to tour with a cinema along carnivals and fairs. Slieker had purchased his projector in Berlin from the company...

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    This tavern, which opened in Germany’s Schwerin in 1817, was converted into a theatre hall in 1850. The Tonhalle burned down on March 22, 1920.

  • company

    Imperial Vio

    Travelling cinema on the Haagscheveer in Rotterdam, which between 1908 and 1911 screened films in the Salon Doele.

    The Belgian Augustin de Ruijffelaere was the general manager.

  • company

    Museum voor het Onderwijs

    In 1904, the Museum voor het Onderwijs was established in The Hague. This museum provided illustrated lessons for visiting groups of schoolchildren. Film and other materials could also be borrowed for presentations in schools and school cinemas...

  • company

    Residentie Bioscoop

    Cinema on the Kettingstraat 12-B in The Hague. Willy Mullens was its general manager.

    After 1925, the Cabaret Flora and the Studio cinema were located in the same building.

  • company

    The American Bioscope

    Dutch theater company from the earliest years of the 20th century. It is not clear who ran the cinema, or whether the name The American Bioscope was an alternative name for another company.
