Dutch film history

This database contains information about film in the Netherlands, and is gradually being expanded. At this moment, you can find information about early films (from ca. 1900-1930) and about experimental films.

Note: Many records provide information about a film, but do not show the film itself (due to copyright restrictions, or because the film has been lost over the course of time). Click here to see a list of films that can actually be viewed.


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191 - 200 of 8724 results
  • company


    Cinema on the Stadsgravenstraat 29-31 in Enschede. Its first general manager was Ed. Cohen Barnstijn.

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    Hollando-Belgica Film Mij. Eureka

    Hollando-Belgica Film Mij. Eureka was the film company behind the so-called 'Bet' films made by Adriënne Solser. The general manager of the company was Solser's son, the...

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    Instituut voor Arbeidersontwikkeling

    Socialist workers' movement that was re-established after the Second World War.

    In 1959, the organisation was renamed the Nederlands Instituut voor Volksontwikkeling en Natuurvriendenwerk (NIVON).

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    Filmfabriek Holland

  • company

    Hotel Groot Badhuis

    Location in Zandvoort where screenings were organised by travelling cinema operators at the beginning of the 20th century.

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    Firma Spijker

    The Dutch automotive company Spijker was originally a carriage factory in Hilversum. In 1886, the company moved to Amsterdam, where in 1898 they built the 'Golden Coach', a gift from the Dutch people to Queen...

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    Welte's Cinematograph



  • company


    After the collaboration with Smith's Film Sales did not yield the desired outcome, in the mid-1920’s Filmfabriek Hollandia entered into a partnership with the British film...

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    De Kroon (Zwolle)

    Cinema on the Diezerstraat 66 in Zwolle.

  • company

    W.B. Theater

    Cinema on the Nieuwe Binnenweg 326 in Rotterdam.

    After 1932, the cinemas Capitol, Grand Théâtre, and Studio 62 were located in this building.
