Not considering her position secure, Marguerite, the paramour of Legrand, proprietor of a gambling house, marries the middle-aged Matthew Harper after getting a promise that he will immediately make a will in her favour. However, when his brother makes love to her, Matthew sends him to Australia and expels his wife, who returns to Legrand. Eighteen years later the gambling establishment has been raided by the police. Marguerite gets the manager to go to her husband's home as a servant and find out whether a new will has been made. At the same time the brother returns from Australia and, when refused money, blows his brains out. The manager dresses the body in the elder brother's clothes and kidnaps him, so that the adventuress may get the money. Marguerite refuses him his reward, so he goes to a detective to give the game away. The gambling proprietor, in a struggle, kills him and escapes, just as Felice, of Matthew Harper, enters. The detective comes in and notes the car at the door. The girl is sent to the country house where the kidnapped husband ??? is kept in the cellar. The detective follows and rescues the man, and the villains are arrested.
- Garnett Bell, a private detective
- Matthew Harper's manservant
- Peggy, Bruce's pal
- Matthew's brother Mark
- Victor Legrand
- Felice
- Matthew Harper
- Marguerite Deschanel
- Director
- Producer
- Producer
Technical notations
G. Donadson, Of Joy and Sorrow. A Filmography of Dutch Silent Fiction, Amsterdam (1997), p. 205, 206