
To Grab the Ring

Driven by his own restlessness and pursued by the henchmen of an underworld figure, American Alfred Lowell journeys through Europe and becomes entangled with women and gangsters in London, Berlin, Amsterdam and Paris. When, finally, he seems to have found peace of mind with a former Paris girlfriend and plans to build a happy future with her in Greece, he is trapped by his pursuers in the train to Athens. He despairs: will he ever be able to escape his past?

The film by Nikolai van der Heyde stars Ben Carruthers, star of John Cassavetes' Shadows.

Het gangstermeisje

Frans Weisz's first feature film, based on a script by Remco Campert, inspired by an idea developed by Weisz, Campert and Jan Blokker.

The success of the young writer Wessel Franken's latest novel, 'Illusion is a Gangster Girl', is so great that he receives a request from a film studio in Rome to adapt it for the screen.

Une si jolie petite plage

Crime film about a man on the run who goes to ground in a small French coastal town.

Pierre rents a room in a small hotel on the coast. He has been on the run since he killed his adulterous wife in a fit of jealousy five years earlier. His hide-out has been discovered by an acquaintance from Paris who reports him to the police. A number of people are willing to help him to escape but Pierre commits suicide.
