crime film

Het proces Begeer

When he returns to Amsterdam after years as a cowboy in Texas, Jan Bolkenstein, because of his knowledge of foreign countries and languages, soon becomes the natural leader of a gang of criminals h

Moeder's dappere kind

A plumber comes to the home of a business man to do some work and sees the man counting his money. When the business man is suddenly called away and no-one can find the keys of the safe, his wife decides to lock the money in a cabinet in her bedroom, something the plumber observes. That night he returns to the house and, from an adjoining room, saws a hole in the wall and the back of the cabinet and reaches out his hand to steal the money.Luckily, the wife has been disturbed in her sleep by the noise.


Unaware of its contents, Beets, a kind-hearted merchant captain, delivers to Balthazar, the far from honest owner of a dance-hall in Amsterdam, a packet containing smuggled diamonds that he has been asked to bring from Riga. To avoid paying Beets the reward he has been promised and to double his profit, Balthazar, who is rightly called "The Tiger", shoots the captain in cold blood and, when the body is discovered in the cellar, makes it appear as if Beets has committed suicide.

Het geheim van het staal

The Holland National Steel Foundry discovers the secret for the manufacture of a wonderful steel. Piet Goethal, an old workman of the foundry, has two prides, the steel works and his son Joachim. The latter is in love with Maria, the daughter of Alsteen, the local beer-seller, but she refuses to marry him as he has no money. Consequently Joachim falls an easy prey to a foreign secret service agent who bribes him to steal the secret formula. He is disturbed in the act and pursued through the works. To escape pursuit, he tips up a converter, which sets the foundry on fire.
