Dutch film history

This database contains information about film in the Netherlands, and is gradually being expanded. At this moment, you can find information about early films (from ca. 1900-1930) and about experimental films.

Note: Many records provide information about a film, but do not show the film itself (due to copyright restrictions, or because the film has been lost over the course of time). Click here to see a list of films that can actually be viewed.


Search results

391 - 400 of 8724 results
  • company

    Overseas Film Company

    Hague-based film distributor.

  • company

    Firma P.R. van Duinen

    The Firma P.R. van Duinen. Im- en export, Filmhandel was registered with the Chamber of Commerce in Amsterdam on January 1, 1919, though it had already existed before that. The name was mentioned, for example, in Amsterdam's address registry of...

  • company


    Continuation of the firm P.R. van Duinen, which dealt in film equipment (until 1947, the appendix 'voorheen P.R. van Duinen' was part of their business name).


  • company

    Van Berkel

    Rotterdam machine and aircraft factory led by general manager W.A. van Berkel. In 1921, the factory stopped making aircraft.

  • company

    Pander Meubel- en Vliegtuigfabriek

    Hague-based furniture factory and aircraft manufacturer.

  • company

    VNF - Vereeniging Nederlandsch Fabricaat

    The Vereeniging Nederlandsch Fabricaat (VNF) was founded in March 1915 with the aim of encouraging Dutch consumers to buy Dutch products. The popular perception at the time was that foreign products were better, and less expensive. In the...

  • company

    Van Nelle

    This Rotterdam manufacturer of tobacco, cigarettes, coffee and tea was established in 1782. In that year, Johannes van Nelle and his wife Hendrica opened a shop in Rotterdam that sold coffee, tea, and tobacco. After the death of Johannes and...

  • company

    Luxor Theater (Rotterdam)

    Cinema on the Kruiskade 30 in Rotterdam.

    F.P.J. Goeman was one of its first general managers.

  • company

    Scala (The Hague)

    Cinema on the Wagenstraat 34 in The Hague.

    Until 1925, Willy Mullens was the general manager of this cinema.

  • company

    HIFO-Film - Handel- en Industrie-Film Onderneming
