Dutch film history

This database contains information about film in the Netherlands, and is gradually being expanded. At this moment, you can find information about early films (from ca. 1900-1930) and about experimental films.

Note: Many records provide information about a film, but do not show the film itself (due to copyright restrictions, or because the film has been lost over the course of time). Click here to see a list of films that can actually be viewed.


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351 - 360 of 8724 results
  • company


    Cinema on the Elandsgracht 92 in Amsterdam.

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    Perfume factory in Delft.

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    This cinema on the Broerstraat 40 in Nijmegen produced the short item Opnamen van de Groote Markt te Nijmegen van Donderdag 5 december in 1910.

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    The travelling film exhibitor and evangelist W.J.G. Wesselman held screenings under his own name.

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    Ons Huis

    Location in Scheveningen where travelling cinema operators organised screenings in the first years of the 20th century.

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    DLS Film Holland

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    Monopole Film

    This distribution company was located in Rotterdam until 1940, and from 1945 in Amsterdam.

  • company

    Bioscoop Tonhalle

    Cinema located on Einderstraat 13 in Kerkrade.

    Officially, the Bioscoop Tonhalle was opened in 1925, but apparently screenings had already taking place in this building before the opening.

    Later, the Roxy cinema was located at this...

  • company

    Martin Dentler GmbH

    This German distributor and producer also owned a chain of cinemas. Martin Dentler GmbH produced two films about the Netherlands.

    In 1925, the company became part of the firm...

  • company

    Van Gelder & Zonen

    Amsterdam paper factory.
