Dutch film history

This database contains information about film in the Netherlands, and is gradually being expanded. At this moment, you can find information about early films (from ca. 1900-1930) and about experimental films.

Note: Many records provide information about a film, but do not show the film itself (due to copyright restrictions, or because the film has been lost over the course of time). Click here to see a list of films that can actually be viewed.


Search results

341 - 350 of 8724 results
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    Cinema on the Haarlemmerstraat 52 in Leiden.

    Before 1920, the cinemas Familie Bioscoop and Thalia were located at the same address, and after 1925 the cinemas City, Roxy, and Rex took up residency there.

    From 1920 to 1922, A.M. de...

  • company

    Cinema Parisien (Rotterdam)

    Cinema on the Korte Hoogstraat 28-A in Rotterdam.  Its owner and general manger (until 1918) was Jean Desmet. Heinrich Voltmann was the business manager from 1913 to 1915.


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    Friso Bioscoop

    Cinema on the Nieuwestad 85 in Leeuwarden.

    The cinema Tivoli was later located at the same address.

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    Jutefabriek Ter Horst

    Rijssen-based jute factory.

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    Cinema Royal (Den Bosch)

    Cinema on the Hinthamerstraat 26 in Den Bosch.

    As of 1912, Frits Brasse worked for the cinema as its general manager and as an explicateur.

    On August 14 , 1918, the building burned down.

  • company

    Maatschappij tot Exploitatie van Witte Films

    The Maatschappij tot Exploitatie van Witte Films was founded on October 18, 1917, by Maurits Binger. The new company set itself the goal of producing films of 'good moral and...

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    Nederlandsche Film Industrie

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    Studio Film

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    ELTA - Eerste Luchtverkeer Tentoonstelling Amsterdam

    Dutch aircraft exhibition held from August 1 to September 14, 1919 on Papaverweg in Amsterdam, and later at the site of Schiphol airport.

    On the occasion of the exhibition, a number of adverts and newsreels were shot.

  • company


    Cinema on the Spui 118 in The Hague.

    Between 1912 and 1920, the following cinemas were located In this building: Union, Odeon, Casino, Parisien, Royal, Cinéma Parisien, and Victoria.
