J.C. van Marken

Date of birth
Date deceased


J.C. van Marken was a Dutch captain of industry. In 1869, he founded the Koninklijke Nederlandsche Gist- and Spiritusfabriek  in Delft, followed a year later by the Nederlandsche Oliefabriek. In 1883 he expanded his business by taking over the Lijm- and Gelatinefabriek Delft.

Van Marken was one of the first progressive employers in the Netherlands; he introduced the employees’ council, set up pension and health insurance, and published articles about labour issues. He also had the Agnetapark built for his staff: workers' residencies in a park-like setting.

In 1897 he commissioned two films, made by Alex van Dijck, about the Gist- and Spiritusfabriek. For this purpose, he had bought a camera from the French company Gaumont.

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phone +31 (0)20 5891 426
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