
Kijkjes tijdens de groote kaatspartij te Franeker

Reportage about a pelota match held on August 4, 1920, in Franeker.

The film opens with shots of a parade through the city, a band, and dignitaries riding in a carriage. The bleachers surrounding the field are filled to the last seat. From a special 'tent', the board watches the match, which is played fanatically. Afterwards, the players pose for the camera. The film also contains footage of the audience, who consists almost entirely of men. Finally, we see a tribute being paid to the champions.


Documentary about the city of Franeker.

After a brief historical introduction, the film shows the main streets, canals, and buildings of Franeker, including the beautiful town hall built in 1591. Also explored in detail is the accident that befell Prince Johan Maurits of Orange in 1665 when he visited Franeker: he fell into the water, and only barely managed to be saved. Of note in the film are the sparsely populated streets – in contrast to the crowds seen in some of the other 'city films’.