

Documentary about Medemblik.

In an extensive introduction, this documentary refers to the long history of the town of Medemblik, which begins as early as 344 AD. The town was built on the site where, according to legend, the Frisian King Radboud (c. 680 - 719) built a fortress.


Documentary about Hoorn.

This film about Hoorn focuses on the glorious past of this former VOC city. Hoorn is presented as a typical small town in Holland, where the prosperity of the past is still visible.

Feesten te Brielle

Reportage about the festivities in Brielle to celebrate the capture of Den Briel by the Geuzen, exactly 350 years ago.

In this film about the festivities in Brielle, Queen Wilhelmina plays an important role: she inspects a military guard, receives flowers, and unveils a plaque. The Queen Mother Emma and Princess Juliana are also on hand. Due to the large number of day-visitors in Brielle, crowds of pedestrians get stuck in the streets. The capture of Den Briel by the Geuzen is meticulously recreated in an elaborate historical game. At the end, the Queen holds a speech.

Nederland en Oranje

In this film, made to commemorate the centenary of the Dutch royal family, twenty scenes portraying highlights from Dutch history are shown, from the Eighty Years' War to King Willem I's return from exile in England (1813).