
De dood van Apotheker Dekkinga

Romantic crime film about a chemist who takes on a new identity.

During a row with his housekeeper, village chemist Dekkinga throws an object at her head and mistakenly thinks he has killed her. He flees and when he hitches a ride on a truck, the driver hits and kills a man. The dead man, a certain Van Dieren, bears an uncanny resemblance to Dekkinga who takes on his identity.

Nederlands in zeven lessen

Partly staged documentary about post-war life in the Netherlands.

An English filmmaker is commissioned to make a film about the Netherlands but has only seven days to complete it. Helped by a number of friendly Dutch people, he manages to capture the spirit of the country. One of them is stewardess Audrey Hepburn, in her first screen appearance. It was to be her only part in a Dutch film.


Documentary about the city of Vlissingen.

Documentary by filmmaker Willy Mullens about the sights and attractions of Vlissingen. The intertitles offer historical background information. As in many of Mullens' ‘city films’, this film begins with a panoramic shot filmed from a tower. The city, the Scheldt river, and the city’s industries are shown. The documentary devotes considerable attention to the ports and the shipyards, to pilotage, and to the Vlissingen heroes Michiel de Ruyter and Frans Naerebout.
