social drama

Plantage Tamarinde

Social drama about a plantation owner who sees his world collapse around him.

Planter Sjon Jan van Leent's familiar world is changing. His son is a disappointment, his daughter marries an educated black man, his wife dies and the plantation is not doing well. When he hears his son has made off with some money, he has a heart attack. From his sickbed he thinks about his life and finally he and his wayward children are reconciled.

The Family

The Family was originally a theatrical experiment - a serial play in four parts, each the length of a full performance.

The author, Louis de Boer, also wrote the film script and directed The Family himself, using the same actors as he had done on stage. And yet the resulting film version is not simply the record of a happening in the theatre. There are three members of The Family: the domineering Doc, the highly neurotic brother Kil and Gina, their dumb sister and the darling of the family.


Pallieter lives together with his girlfriend in a stifling occult atmosphere which drives her to suicide. From this moment on, Pallieter becomes an acolyte of nature, renouncing everything connected with his past and embracing life with a childlike enthusiasm. He reacts strongly to technological progress and the environmenntal decay which accompanies it.

Ciske de Rat

Social drama around a street urchin who kills his mother in a fit of anger.

Ciske de Rat brought the first two instalments of Piet Bakker’s famous trilogy about Amsterdam street urchin Ciske Vrijmoet to the screen.

Ciske’s father is at sea and his cruel mother neglects him. The only people who care about what happens to him are schoolmaster Bruis and his father’s new girlfriend aunt Jans. When Ciske accidentally kills his mother by throwing a knife at her in a fit of anger, he is sent to reform school. It looks as if he will be marked for life.

Verloren maandag

To Luc Monheim, who was known as an avant-garde painter and sculptor before going into film, the big city symbolises the breakdown of communication. It gave him a sense of nihilism and his focus is on people who have been rejected by society as ‘fringe cases’.

His film describes the search by Tomasz, a Polish refugee, for a young woman who once helped his mother to escape to the West. While roaming through Antwerp he gets to know all kinds of shady characters and is involved in a brief love affair with Linda.


The tragic downfall of a family which brought it down upon themselves. VD is a satire about the double standards of a nouveau-riche Dutchman.

VD stands for Van Doorn, an unscrupulous manufacturer of processed meats and defective contraceptives. He is the immoral head of his family. In order to inherit his father's factory, he has had to marry his father's mistress and to accept their child as his own. History repeats itself but before things get so far, all the family members have participated in a number of dramatic events.

João en het mes

The first feature by documentarist George Sluizer is a suspense story blending racial overtones and strong dramatic action.

Filmed in the heartland of Brazil, it conveys much of the prejudiced social position and the subservient role of women in the isolated groups of that immense country. The cast is exclusively made up of Brazilian actors. Joffre Soares plays João, an older cowherd and hunter who marries Maria, a young, shy and beautiful girl, who because of her marriage vows, is condemned to remain with João even though they are unable to conceive children.
