Met de Fokker VII en de eerste luchtmail naar Marseille
Film about the first airmail flight from the Waalhaven airport to Marseille, on 29 May, 1926.
The plane – a Fokker VII – carried passengers as well as post. From Marseille, the journey to the Dutch East Indies was continued with Ms. “Indrapoera”.
Before leaving, the aviators Grasé and Van Os, as well as the mechanic Uriot, pose for the cameras. The flight reaches Marseille in six and a half hours. Above Marseille, the Fokker aeroplane is met by six French aircraft, which guide it to Marignan. In Marseille, the entourage is welcomed by Story van Blokland, the director of the Rotterdamsche Lloyd company.
The post is carried by the French postal service to the port, where the “Indrapoera” is waiting. The final shot shows the “Indrapoera” leaving the port of Marseille. This air connection with Marseille made the journey to the East a bit shorter.
This is one of the commissioned films that Henk Alsem made for Rotterdamsche Lloyd.