Emile Lauste
Cameraman Emile Lauste was the son of French film pioneer and inventor Eugène Lauste, who emigrated to the United States at an early age, and worked around 1890 for the inventor Thomas Edison. Together with William K.-L. Dickson, Eugène Lauste worked on developing the kinetoscope. He left Edison in 1892, and in 1896 began working for the American Mutoscope Company, where he again worked with Dickson. In 1901, Eugène Lauste moved to Great Britain to work on a system that could record synchronized sound on film strips.
Emile Lauste had moved to Great Britain a few years before his father, and there worked in the late 1890s as a cameraman for the British Mutoscope and Biograph Company. On behalf of the affiliated company Nederlandsche Biograaf- and Mutoscope Maatschappij, he went to the Netherlands twice in 1899 to shoot film footage.
On the first trip, he shot film of the participants at the First Peace Conference at The Hague during a trip to Haarlem, and on his second visit, he filmed short inserts for the revue 'De nieuwe prikkel'.
- 1899—Camera, Director
- 1899—Director
- 1899—Camera, Director
- 1899—Director
- 1899—Director
- 1899—Director
- 1899—Director
- 1899—Director
- 1899—Director
- 1899—Director
- 1899—Director
- 1899—Camera, Director
- 1899—Director
- 1899—Director
- 1899—Director
- 1899—Director
- 1899—Director
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