Mijntje en Trijntje naar Zandvoort
Two young bloods appeal to their fathers for a little financial help, but are met with a refusal. At the beach, they spy two pretty girls, Mijntje and Trijntje, about to take a dip. A moment later the young men see their fathers again and note that they have been attracted by the girls. They steal up to the bathing machine hired by the girls, and hastily donning the girls' clothes, walk past their fathers. Their plan is entirely successful. The old men lose no time in making the acquaintance of these "fair ones", and soon all four are enjoying a good square meal. Under the influence of the eighth bottle of "Heidsieck", the dupes part company with their "ready". Coming away from the restaurant, the party runs into the girls whose clothes they have stolen. The latter are dressed in the young men's clothes, and, when a brief explanation has been given, Mijntje and Trijntje take everything in good part and enter into the spirit of the deception.
- Trijntje
- Mijntje
- Camera
- Director
- Producer
Technical notations
G. Donaldson, Of Joy and Sorrow. A Filmography of Dutch Silent Fiction, Amsterdam (1997), pp. 109-110
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