Peter Struycken



Peter Struycken is a Dutch visual artist. He studied at the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague, and in 1964 he became a lecturer at the art academy of Arnhem. In the late 1960s, he studied sonology in Utrecht.

Struycken is one of the pioneers of computer art in the Netherlands. Most of his work is non-figurative, but he was primarily known for the postage stamp that he designed featuring a portrait of Queen Beatrix made of dots. In addition to painting and the applied arts, Struycken also made film and video productions. He is mainly concerned with the systematic study of colours, shapes, and textures.

In 1984, Struycken was appointed a Knight in the Order of Orange-Nassau.


  1. 1972
  2. 1972
  3. 1974
    Regisseur, Producent
  4. 1974
  5. 1974
  6. 1974
    Regisseur, Producent

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