Spiegel van Nederland. No. 3 (1958)
A Dutch newsreel including items on a Cabinet meeting at the Binnenhof, the Hoogoven chess tournament, and the election of the Dutch 'Pat Boone'.
A Dutch newsreel including items on a Cabinet meeting at the Binnenhof, the Hoogoven chess tournament, and the election of the Dutch 'Pat Boone'.
A Dutch newsreel including items about a visit of the American navy, a sculpture exhibition by Herman Egbers and greyhound races.
A Dutch newsreel including items on the train derailment of the Ruhr Express, the launch of the tugboat Simon, and the sculptor Mari Andriessen.
A Dutch newsreel including items on the start of the 'Bevrijdingsrally' in Eindhoven, the image and sound fair Firato in Amsterdam and a dog show in Huizen.