
Plantage Tamarinde

Social drama about a plantation owner who sees his world collapse around him.

Planter Sjon Jan van Leent's familiar world is changing. His son is a disappointment, his daughter marries an educated black man, his wife dies and the plantation is not doing well. When he hears his son has made off with some money, he has a heart attack. From his sickbed he thinks about his life and finally he and his wayward children are reconciled.

In eigen handen

Propaganda feature film commissioned by the Algemeene Nederlandsche Zuivelbond (the Duch dairy association).

A farmer and his son cannot agree on whether or not they should join a dairy cooperative. The farmer’s earlier experiences make him sceptical and when his son falls in love with the daughter of the cooperative’s foreman, they fall out. In the end the old farmer gives in. The son joins the cooperative. His father’s conclusion is that it’s his son’s turn now and he should do what he thinks is best.