

Documentary about UrkDocumentary about the people of Urk, consisting mainly of shots of women, men, and children in traditional costume, posing for the camera. The film was probably shot on a public holiday. We see several women doing their daily work: hanging the laundry, and fetching water from the pump. A postman comes along with the letters.

Het 25-jarig regeeringsjubileum van H.M. koningin Wilhelmina

Documentary on the occasion of Queen Wilhelmina’s 25th anniversary of rule.

This anniversary film, compiled by Haghe Film, consists mainly of footage that Willy Mullens had shot of the royal family in previous years. The film includes e.g. footage of the solidarity demonstration that took place on the Malieveld in The Hague in November of 1918. It also includes excerpts from Mullens' Leger- en vlootfilm (1917).