
Feestelijkheden ter gelegenheid der installatie van den burgemeester M. van Hout te Helmond

Reportage about the festivities to mark the inauguration of Mayor M. van Hout in Helmond, on July 29, 1913.

 This film opens with the arrival of Mayor Van Hout at the station in Helmond, where he makes a speech. He is then taken by carriage to the town hall. The reportage also contains footage of the public on the square – many children look into the camera – as well as the brass band in the bandstand, and the decorated streets.

Tinus op stap

People in his village have made the gullible farmer Tinus de Schel believe that he has won the first prize in the lottery, ten thousand guilders. He goes to collect his money, but learns from the local police constable that it will be a couple of hours before the office opens. He falls asleep and dreams about how he will spend his prize, deciding first of all to make a gentleman of himself.


Report about a bike race around Helmond.

Over a hundred cyclists leave Helmond. The spectators are three rows deep along the street side. After the cyclists have left Helmond, the audience gather in front of the camera and react curious and boisterous. The peloton rides through Geldrop. There already are many laggards.

The cyclists pass a chaotic checkpoint. They get a stamp, have a snack and continue the race. Some cyclists get offered a drink on a tray. Along the Zuid-Willemsvaart canal the leader waves to the camera.