
Vacantie kinderfeest

Report about the holiday party for Groningen schoolchildren, held on the moors near Rolde, on July 19 1923.

Accompanied by a band, a group of Groningen schoolchildren head for the train station, and then travel to Rolde in Drenthe, where they will spend the day on the moor. In Drenthe, the children play in the sand, and act out a boxing match between the champions Battling Siki and Georges Carpentier. At the end of the day, everyone returns contentedly to Groningen.

Koninklijk bezoek Groningen

Working footage of a royal visit to Groningen.

In 1922, Queen Wilhelmina, Prince Henry and Princess Juliana visited Groningen. Filmmaker Willy Mullens shot diverse footage of the event, showing the royal family riding through the city, attending church services, and visiting a gathering on an athletic field. Mullens also filmed a blind girl offering flowers to the Queen.

The filmmaker himself – with camera in hand – also briefly appears in the frame.

Het 25-jarig regeeringsjubileum van H.M. koningin Wilhelmina

Documentary on the occasion of Queen Wilhelmina’s 25th anniversary of rule.

This anniversary film, compiled by Haghe Film, consists mainly of footage that Willy Mullens had shot of the royal family in previous years. The film includes e.g. footage of the solidarity demonstration that took place on the Malieveld in The Hague in November of 1918. It also includes excerpts from Mullens' Leger- en vlootfilm (1917).
