shipping disasters

De verzoeking

Willem, an old fisherman, finds a pocket-book on the sands. He is obliged to share half of its contents with Frits, one of his comrades, who sets out on a voyage the following day. The fisherman gives the pocket-book to his daughter, Bertha, but her fiancé declares that it must be handed to the police. This is done, but as half of the money is missing, Willem is accused of theft. The unfortunate man is unable to establish his innocence, and when after many days of waiting news comes that his comrade's ship has gone down with all hands, the last ray of hope is apparently gone.

Op hoop van zegen

The ship-owner Bos has become a rich man whose conscience is not troubled by his knowingly sending out unseaworthy fishing boats. Kniertje, a widow who has lost her husband and two sons at sea, works for Bos as charwoman and is kindly treated by his daughter Clementine. Kniertje lives with her two remaining sons, Geert and Barend, and her niece Jo, who is engaged to Geert. Geert is in the navy and Barend does whatever work he can find. During a dance evening in the local café, Geert fights with his superior officer who has insulted Jo, and for this he is sent to gaol.