Tocht per auto door Weltevreden
A journey through Weltevreden (in Batavia), mostly filmed from a car.
A journey through Weltevreden (in Batavia), mostly filmed from a car.
A train journey to central Java, from Willem I to Djocja (Yogyakarta), filmed from the front of the train.
Travelogue about Palembang, a harbour city located on the banks of the Musi River on the island of Sumatra.
A brief reportage about the train trip from Weltevreden via Meester Cornelis to Manggarai on Java.
Train journey through Java around 1920.
Train travel on Java around 1920: from Kroja to Marga Sari via Poerwokerto, and from Weltevreden to Yogyakarta.
A “phantom ride” filmed from a car driving through Bandung (Java) and the surroundings, in about 1913.