Theo Regout

Date of birth
Date deceased


Theo Regout came from a line of Maastricht industrialists who ran the Sphinx potteries and the Mosa porcelain and tile factories. He studied law and geography. Almost every year from the mid-twenties on, Regout made a long trip to Africa, South America or Asia. In the winter of 1930-1931, he took a 16mm film camera with him for the first time.

During the war Regout and his family moved from The Hague back to the province of Limburg, where he worked in the family business. After the war he resumed his traveling and filming activities. He also made films for two missionary congregations based in Limburg.


  1. 1931
    Camera, Director, Editing
  2. 1932
    Director, Editing
  3. 1934
    Camera, Director
  4. 1936
    Camera, Director, Editing
  5. 1936
    Camera, Director, Editing
  6. 1938
    Camera, Director, Editing
  7. 1947
    Camera, Director, Editing
  8. 1949
    Camera, Director, Editing
  9. 1950
    Camera, Director, Editing
  10. 1952
    Camera, Director, Editing
  11. 1953
    Camera, Director, Editing
  12. 1954
    Camera, Director, Editing
  13. 1958
    Camera, Director, Editing
  14. 1961
    Camera, Director, Editing
  15. 1998
    Person (on screen)

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Ms. Leenke Ripmeester
phone +31 (0)20 5891 426
mobile +31 (0)6 4118 9635