The American Bio-Tableaux


From 1902 to 1910-1911, the American Bio-Tableaux was the regular film exhibitor at the Amsterdam Circus Carré's specialty shows.

The company also produced a number of (local) films.


  1. 1902
    Production company
  2. 1902
    Production company
  3. 1902
    Nederlandse vertoner
  4. 1902
    Nederlandse vertoner
  5. 1903
    Production company
  6. 1903
    Nederlandse vertoner
  7. 1903
    Nederlandse vertoner
  8. 1903
    Nederlandse vertoner
  9. 1904
    Production company
  10. 1906
    Production company
  11. 1906
    Production company
  12. 1907
    Production company
  13. 1910
    Production company
  14. 1911
    Production company

more information

If you are looking for more material from our collection, please contact

Ms. Leenke Ripmeester
phone +31 (0)20 5891 426
mobile +31 (0)6 4118 9635