Koloniaal Instituut voor de Tropen


The Vereeniging Koloniaal Instituut was founded in Amsterdam 1910, and after 1945 became known as the Indisch Instituut. Since 1950, it has been known as the Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen (KIT).

In 1912, the Institute, whose aim was to spread information in the Netherlands about the colonies, commissioned a number of films about the Dutch East Indies. Army officer Captain J.C. Lamster was sent to the Dutch East Indies to shoot these films over the course of a year, after having followed a brief training course at Pathé Frères in Paris Army. Lamster's films were not intended for public exhibition, but rather as illustration material for the lectures organised by the Institute. Over time, these films – as well as newly acquired films about the Dutch East Indies – were released for public exhibition. The KIT now also houses the Tropenmuseum and the Tropentheater.



  1. 1913
    Production company
  2. 1913
    Production company
  3. 1913
    Production company
  4. 1913
    Production company
  5. 1918
    Production company
  6. 1923
    Production company
  7. 1923
    Production company
  8. 1941

more information

If you are looking for more material from our collection, please contact

Ms. Leenke Ripmeester
phone +31 (0)20 5891 426
mobile +31 (0)6 4118 9635