Hollandsch Tooneelgezelschap Grand Théâtre


The Hollandsch Tooneelgezelschap Grand Théâtre was associated with the Amsterdam Grand Théâtre. From 1887-1911, the management consisted of the brothers Joseph, Lion, and Isouard van Lier.

After the dissolution of the company in 1911, Albert Mullens became the new general manager of the Grand Théâtre.


  1. 1899
    Production company
  2. 1899
    Production company
  3. 1899
    Production company
  4. 1899
    Production company
  5. 1899
    Production company
  6. 1899
    Production company
  7. 1899
    Production company

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Ms. Leenke Ripmeester
phone +31 (0)20 5891 426
mobile +31 (0)6 4118 9635