

Documentary about the city of Utrecht. This film is dedicated to Mayor Reiger, who had a great deal of influence on the development of Utrecht at the turn of the century. The opening shot is an aerial view of downtown, filmed from the hundred-metre-high Domtoren. Considerable attention is paid to the Domtoren, the Domkerk, the nearby university, and the most important canals. From a boat in the canal, the filmmaker depicts the shipyard basements and the low-lying quays. Many passers-by pose for the camera. Footage is also shot from a moving tram.


Documentary about UrkDocumentary about the people of Urk, consisting mainly of shots of women, men, and children in traditional costume, posing for the camera. The film was probably shot on a public holiday. We see several women doing their daily work: hanging the laundry, and fetching water from the pump. A postman comes along with the letters.


Documentary about SneekThis documentary presents Sneek as a small rural town, with shots of its most important buildings, streets, squares, and waterways. A central focus of the film is Sneek’s Waterpoort, the city’s best-known and most prominent building.


Documentary about Sittard.

The documentary shows the most important buildings, monuments, streets, squares, and waterways of Sittard. What catches the eye are the many churches and other Catholic buildings. We also see the St. Rosa Chapel, a famous destination for pilgrims, but also infamous as a meeting-place for the ‘Buckriders’, a notorious gang of robbers who plagued South Limburg in the late 18th and early 19th centuries.
