Gerard Soeteman

Date of birth


Gerard Soeteman is a Dutch screenplay writer. He studied Dutch at the University of Leiden. After fulfilling his military service, he began to work at the translation department at public broadcaster NOS. Soeteman is best known for his work with Paul Verhoeven. The two knew each other as students in Leiden, and started working together on the television series Floris (1969, starring Rutger Hauer). Starting in the 1970s, Soeteman and Verhoeven have been successful with major feature film productions such as Turks fruit, Soldaat van Oranje and Zwartboek. Soeteman also wrote screenplays for other filmmakers such as Fons Rademakers. In 1992 he made his directorial debut with the feature De bunker.


  1. 1971
    Script writer
  2. 1973
    Script writer
  3. 1975
    Script writer

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