Wim van der Linden

Date of birth
Date deceased


Wim van der Linden is a Dutch television maker and filmmaker. In the 1960s he studied at the Nederlandse Filmacademie. He then worked as a cameraman on films including the first long feature film by Wim Verstappen, De minder gelukkige terugkeer van Joszef Kàtus naar het land van Rembrandt.

In the following years, he became well known via his collaboration with Wim T. Schippers. Together they produced several short films under the name of sad movies. The highlight of this series is Tulips from 1966, a roughly three-minute ‘melodrama’ about a leaf that falls from a tulip.

Yet it has primarily been their work for television that has garnered Van der Linden and Schippers the most success. In the late 1960s, they stood at the cradle of the controversial Hoepla, and the 1970s saw the release of sensational programs featuring Fred Haché, Barend Servet, and Sjef van Oekel.


  1. 1966
    Camera, Director
  2. 1967

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Ms. Leenke Ripmeester
phone +31 (0)20 5891 426
mobile +31 (0)6 4118 9635