Dutch film history

This database contains information about film in the Netherlands, and is gradually being expanded. At this moment, you can find information about early films (from ca. 1900-1930) and about experimental films.

Note: Many records provide information about a film, but do not show the film itself (due to copyright restrictions, or because the film has been lost over the course of time). Click here to see a list of films that can actually be viewed.


Search results

91 - 100 of 8724 results
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    The Sound Film Succeeds Thanks to Revue Stars

    In the mid-1920s, when the Dutch feature film was as good as dead, variety shows and cabaret were thriving. Revue stars such as Louis Davids,...

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    The Internationale Kinotentoonstelling

    In August 1920, the Internationale Kinotentoonstelling (IKT) was held in the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam. The exhibition was the brainchild...

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    In the 19th century, one innovation after another was being invented: photography, the telegraph, the telephone. These discoveries were generally well known, but were not encountered on a daily basis by most people. Photography was perhaps the...

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    Kodak started a revolution in the film world when it launched 16mm film in the consumer market. This inflammable acetate film opened up a world of possibilities for the amateur filmmaker. 

    New format catches on

    Kodak was not the...

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    Folklorism – Before It’s Too Late

    The idea that progress was unstoppable wasn’t new. It had already been around for about a century in the days of folklorist Dirk Jan van der Ven. Although the...

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    The Dutch Feature Film in the 1920s

    The end of WWI ushered in major changes in the film world. The American film industry had developed enormously during the war. Thanks to its large internal market and the halt on the import of foreign products, it had grown into a strong,...

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    Rudi Meyer and Dutch Film in the 1930s

    At the beginning of 1937, Het Vaderland, a newspaper in The Hague, carried out a survey among 27 ‘insiders’ in the film world that asked whether a Dutch film industry had the right to exist. One of the participants was producer...

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    The Summer of 1936

    De Jantjes ushered in a short-lived boom in Dutch feature film production. The film was based on a popular comedic Dutch play. It cast well-known revue...

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    Foreign Stars in the Netherlands in the 1930s

    In the 1930s, many foreign stars regularly came to the Netherlands as part of publicity campaigns for themselves or their films. 

    Already in the 1920s, the Americans Mary Pickford and...

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    Brochures and Programmes

    In addition to many posters and photographs, EYE also has many brochures and programmes that were put out by distributors and cinema companies in the 1930s. These were to promote film and cinema companies and the stars who acted in their films...
